Remonda Kirketerp-Møller, Founder & CEO of Danish regtech firm Muinmos, presents the firm and its platform that delivers unmatched onboarding times and a smooth customer experience, allowing companies to onboard more clients at a fraction of the costs.
What led to the creation of Muinmos?
There was no product in the market to solve what we call the Consumer-Compliance-Conflict, and the Organizational Logistical Cost.
The first is the need to create a streamlined, user-friendly onboarding process for clients, that will also be fully compliant. Our platform does this by automating the entire onboarding process, and incorporating smart, configurable decision-making mechanisms in its conclusion.
The second is the logistical nightmare involved with operating a wide-scale, ongoing KYC process. Different providers, multiple integrations, numerous repetitive tasks, involvement of a multitude of stakeholders (IT, risk, compliance, legal, onboarding, management…). The platform gives you a single provider, single view, ongoing KYC solution, effectively solving that issue.
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