Claimflo is a rule-driven claims platform that turns cost centers into profit centers for SIU and recovery specialists

Claimflo is a rule-driven claims platform that turns cost centers into profit centers for SIU and recovery specialists
Auto Claims Opening via WhatsApp is an innovative service by Bradesco Seguros that leverages the widespread use of WhatsApp to...
🚀 €1B+ claim payouts checked, 40% more subrogation cases found, recovery up to 4% of multi-million loss ratios. omni:us Express...
The Connected Auto Claim was created to transform the customer journey at Bradesco Seguros during the most sensitive moment of...
Solution in a Box is a unified platform that automates claims, enhances the customer experience, and leverages advanced technology and...
Julijana Sumner, AXA XL’s Chief Claims Officer for APAC & Europe, was recently named one of Business Insurance’s EMEA Women...
Fatih Ogun, Head of Strategy at Akbank, explores the multifaceted impacts of GenAI on the insurance sector, highlighting key use-cases...
Poland's largest insurer, PZU, has swiftly responded to the devastating floods in southern Poland, deploying a range of resources to...
This evolution aligns with Allstate’s vision of safeguarding customers' futures by incorporating critical functions like underwriting and risk management.