Qorus Banking Innovation Awards Past Winners

Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Innovations aimed at becoming a data-driven bank leveraging analytics and artificial intelligence at scale. Innovations in this category include for example analytics-dedicated center of excellence as well as data monetization initiatives and artificial intelligence solutions to provide new support and advisory services #CustomerAnalytics      #ArtificialIntelligence    #DataMonetization #DataDrivenPersonalization


CaixaBank chatbot with AI

CaixaBank chatbot with AI

CaixaBank is committed to offering its customers a new channel of communication with the company based on Artificial Intelligence (WATSON/IBM),...

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Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation

As a step for Akbank’s far-reaching digital transformation programme, automation of repetitive and rule-based business processes with various lines of...

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Isbank’s “Maxi”- Personal Asistant

Isbank’s “Maxi”- Personal Asistant

Maxi is an AI-powered personal assistant, developed with a best in class technology, that users can interact with both voice...

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Digital Marketing & Communication

Innovations aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing funnel or at rethinking how the Bank reach Customers for marketing purpose in the digital space, also increasing customer and prospect awareness and boosting contact-to-sales conversion #ContentPersonalization #ContentOptimization #NicheCustomerTargeting #NewCampaignConcepts #BrandAwareness #ProximityMarketing #Prospecting&Retargeting #Online&OfflineTrafficGeneration


Bradesco’s End-of-Year Campaign: Firefly

Bradesco’s End-of-Year Campaign: Firefly

For the first time in history, Brazil truly saw itself reflected in a 3D animation and felt all the characters...

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Adobe Campaign

Adobe Campaign

This project allow us to use rich customer data to create, coordinate, and deliver dynamic campaigns that customers actually need...

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friends in banks

friends in banks

friends-in-banks puts foward what is most essential in banking: It's the people doing it.

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Global innovators


DBS Group

DBS Group

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Neobanks & Specialized Players

Innovations from Digital Attackers with banking license or new brands launched by incumbents aimed at creating scalable new end-to-end value proposition such as new mobile only brand or pan-European platform banks for SMEs. This includes innovative strategies and offering that enable faster and agile growth in terms of customer acquisition and segment penetration #Fintech #Attackers #Neobanks #Agile #PlatformBanks #IncumbentsThatLaunchNeobanks


illimity - The New Paradigm Bank

illimity - The New Paradigm Bank

illimity is a new paradigm bank, specialized in three relevant and underserved markets in the Italian marketplace (SMEs, Corporate NPL...

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Fintech Open Platform for Growth

Fintech Open Platform for Growth

the first developer portal of an incumbent bank with PSD2 APIs, non PSD2 APIS and TTP APIs with a subscription...

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Bank Integrator

Bank Integrator

By understanding the causal link between financial behaviour and health risk through Discovery Bank’s Vitality Money program, Discovery is able...

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Offering Innovation

Innovations aimed at widening the traditional banking products offering plafond with niche-oriented products as well as value added services. Innovative products and services that bring the bank outside their traditional boundaries right into customer’s daily life and needs. This category includes innovations also in the payments arena that enable faster, easier and safer payments for customers #ValueAddedServices #NicheOrientedOffering #NewProducts #DigitalPlatform #CustomerOriented #OpenBanking #API #ThirdParties #MobilePayments   #NFC #AccountToAccount #InvisiblePayments


Global Loyalty Network (GLN)

Global Loyalty Network (GLN)

GLN is a Global Payment Hub that links the platforms of major financial institutions, retailers and loyalty point operators around...

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KBC All-in-one Mobility

KBC All-in-one Mobility

Our KBC Mobile app now lets you park at Q-park car parks without a ticket. All you have to do...

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BMO QuickPay

BMO QuickPay

BMO QuickPay reinvents the way customers pay bills by allowing them to simply email their statements directly to BMO, enabling...

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Phygital Distribution & Experience

Inovations in Banks’ physical and digital distribution channels aiming to enhance and reinvent the Bank-Customer relationship and to change how Banks engage Customers at every touchpoint, providing a seamless and personalized experience. Innovations in this category may include new retail experiences, mobile or social as sales or service channel #DistributionModelInnovation #Omnichannel #DigitalTransformation #DigitalSales #ExperienceMeasurement #GeolocatedServices #SeamlessExperience #NewBranchLayout #MobileSales #SocialSales #DigitalSME #DigitalCorporate


Krungsri Digital Homeloan (Di-Sales & Krungsri Homeloan Connect)

Krungsri Digital Homeloan (Di-Sales & Krungsri Homeloan Connect)

Providing better customer experience in mortgage journey using “Di-Sales” and connecting it with home buying journey using “Krungsri Homeloan Connect”.

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Central Customer Service

Central Customer Service

Central Customer Service Representative: A New Business Model To Enhance Customer Experience for SME customers and provide room for RMs...

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Most Innovative Branch Offering - MSpace at Maybank

Most Innovative Branch Offering - MSpace at Maybank

MSpace at Maybank, a new concept bank branch that breaks away from traditional banking. A space created for the community,...

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Social, Sustainable & Responsible Banking

Innovations that demonstrate an institution’s recognition and objective to address social issues (e.g. inclusion, diversity), to support SMEs in their development, to develop an environmentally-friendly policy,  and that demonstrate their desire to build and respect the trust customers place in them. #UniversalDesign #BarrierFreeBanking #Unbanked #Underbanked #MicroCredit #SocialCrowdfunding #GreenBanking #Transparency #SocialImpact #EnvironmentalImpact




Created as a social enterprise by BNP Paribas, ClimateSeed is a digital voluntary carbon offsetting platform that helps connect organizations...

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AI emotional banking

AI emotional banking

AI backed smile recognition solution to improve quality of customer service, NPS and employee engagement by encouraging positive attitudes at...

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Benefits finder

Benefits finder

Benefits finder is a world first banking solution, connecting our customers in a targeted way with unclaimed third party rebates...

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Workforce Experience

Innovations aimed at empowering Bank’s workforce or strengthening workforce methodologies and processes, leveraging technology to infuse high-value human touch in the relationship model. Innovations in this category may also include new tools or methods for measuring performance as well as initiatives that aim to diffuse a digital culture, facilitating long lasting behavioural changes #WorkforceEmpowerment #HumanTouchinCustomerRelationship #DiffusedDigitalCulture #GamificationForBeahaviouralChange #ContinuousLearning #EmployeeExperience #DigitalLearning #DigitalHR


Smartphonisation – Alior Bank’s mobile way of working

Smartphonisation – Alior Bank’s mobile way of working

Alior Bank has equipped its employees safe smartphones with preinstalled set of applications to move employees to digital world and...

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Me@Work enables the FNB HR strategy by delivering an employee centric experience on the FNB Banking App.

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Robot Ró - Team Robot for Back Office

Robot Ró - Team Robot for Back Office

Thank to appropriate application of automation tools, the Robot Ro (RPA) has become a member of the Back office teams...

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