Qorus Innovation in Insurance Awards 2024

ANN - Your Private GenAI Copilot

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Ping An Group

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With over 227 million retail customers and 693 million Internet users, Ping An is one of...

18/04/2024 Insurance Innovation


ANN helps 330,000 agents to level up their customer relationship with analysis, insights, and expertise. By integrating Omniscience and GPT, it brings personalized interactions and builds trust.

Innovation presentation

ANN Copilot revolutionizes insurance services by equipping our 330,000 agents with advanced tools to tackle complex customer queries and overwhelming product knowledge efficiently. This sophisticated platform enhances agent performance and client experiences by offering detailed analyses, predictive needs assessment, and reliable insights drawn from a vast professional database. Tailored to support the entire customer lifecycle, ANN provides personalized journeys that enhance customer relationships and trust, ensuring clients feel valued through targeted education and structured planning. In 2023, ANN contributed to a significant $20.8 billion USD in profits, attracted over 8 million new customers, and reduced operational costs, showcasing its transformative impact on the industry.

Uniqueness of the project

(1) New Customer Base: Breaking self-labeling positioning, confidently expanding customer circles

The innovation of ANN lies in its ability to empower insurance agents to break through self-labeling limitations and reach customer groups different from their own labels. This unique feature not only breaks traditional customer service models but, more importantly, opens up new insurance markets and opportunities for agents. By applying extensive data and in-depth knowledge, ANN enables agents to deeply understand and accurately target various customer profiles, thus breaking through the barriers that may have been formed due to experience, cognition, or resource limitations in the past.

Using ANN analysis and matching tools, agents can now confidently communicate and serve customers from different backgrounds, needs, and expectations. Whether it's young tech workers, retired seniors, or niche customer groups with special insurance needs, ANN provides agents with the possibility to reach out and serve these new customer groups through its refined customer group analysis, personalized product recommendations, and professional communication strategies.

Furthermore, ANN continuous learning and growth mechanisms, including industry insights, sales strategy sharing, and Ping An Life's unique training courses, further strengthen agents' capabilities, enabling them not only to reach new customer groups but also to maintain competitiveness and influence in the ever-changing market.

Therefore, ANN is not just a tool or platform; it is a powerful force for insurance agents to expand their customer circles and explore unknown market opportunities. By breaking through traditional boundaries, ANN allows agents to reach a broader range of customers, explore new markets, and achieve innovation and upgrading of insurance services.

(2) New Reliable Recommendation: Data-Driven Personalization and Compliance

ANN leverages a vast array of customer data, significantly enhance the precision with which it tailors insurance services to individual scenarios. It utilizes deep learning to analyze diverse customer profiles and historical transactions, ensuring that each recommendation is both highly personalized and optimally relevant.

- Precision Targeting through Data: Utilizing extensive data on customer demographics, financial status, and personal preferences, ANN accurately identifies customer needs. It allows agents to provide personalized advice that resonates with each individual’s unique circumstances.

- Integrated Expertise and Compliance: ANN combines industry expert insights with compliance-focused data handling to maintain high standards of privacy and security. The system ensures that all customer interactions are compliant with regulatory requirements, including GDPR and other privacy frameworks, safeguarding customer data while delivering exceptional service.

- Efficient Communication and Risk Assessment: By processing complex data sets, ANN quickly generates easy-to-understand communication approach and conducts thorough risk assessments. These tools help agents effectively convey key insurance concepts and identify potential gaps in coverage, leading to better-informed, more satisfactory customer decisions.

- Customized Protection Plans: Based on the detailed risk analysis and personal profiles, ANN crafts tailored insurance plans that accurately reflect the coverage needs and preferences of customers, further enhanced by the latest market insights and trends.

By focusing on data-driven customization and maintaining rigorous compliance with data privacy standards, ANN not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of insurance services but also builds trust and loyalty among customers, ensuring a secure and personalized insurance experience.

(3) New Emerging Technology: AIGC content generation, GPT/LLM understanding, digital human providing a friendly interactive experience

The ANN project stands out through its strategic use of cutting-edge technologies, enhancing the efficiency and quality of customer interactions in the insurance industry. These technologies include AIGC for content generation, GPT/LLM for context understanding, and digital human interfaces for more natural customer interactions.

Comprehensive Technology Application:

- Automated KYC Processes: Streamlines customer profile analysis, enhancing process efficiency and security.

- Family Situation Analysis: Analyze customer family dynamics and needs, setting the stage for accurate protection planning.

- Data-Driven Insights: Extract industry trends and customer preferences, aiding the insurance decision-making.

- Visual Communication Tools: Use clear diagrams that help clarify insurance concepts for customers.

- Risk Identification: Incorporates predictive analysis to identify potential risks accurately, ensuring comprehensive coverage planning.

- Tailored Protection Plans: Develop customized insurance plans that meet specific customer needs effectively.

Intelligent Product Recommendations: Suggest insurance products that best fit the customer's profile and needs.

By integrating technologies, ANN not only transforms the traditional insurance service model but also significantly enhances agent capabilities and overall customer satisfaction. This approach marks a pivotal innovation in the digital transformation of the insurance sector, providing agents with powerful tools to meet the evolving demands of today's customers.

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